
PacAttack - A Pacman Clone

PacAttack is an exciting clone game inspired by the classic arcade game Pacman. Players embark on a thrilling maze adventure, guiding their character through a challenging labyrinth while avoiding ghosts and collecting points. With captivating gameplay reminiscent of the original Pacman, offering a nostalgic experience for players of all ages. It is a Pacman clone developed in C++ using the SFML library. The project aims to recreate the classic Pacman experience.

File Structure

The project follows a specific file structure for organization:

Source Files

Header Files

Getting Started

Start Screen

Gameplay Captures

To play the game

Go to the releases page here and download the file and unzip it.
download the binaries directly and unzip it.

To build and compile the PacAttack game, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Open the PacAttack.sln file in Visual Studio and build the program in there.
  3. The .exe binaries will be located in $(SolutionDir)Build\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\bin folder.
  4. Run the PacAttack.exe file to play the game.


This is made using SFML but the the project is statically linked, so you don’t have to download the library just to play the game.